Sponsor One Child's Snack Pack for the 2023-2024 School Year  image

Sponsor One Child's Snack Pack for the 2023-2024 School Year

Choose your own amount

/ 150



Cornell School District called the CCDC when they were concerned about 38 children who were facing hunger over the weekends. Today, the Snack Pack Program serves 200 children at two different school districts.

Each week, a child receives a Snack Pack with 25 snacks to provide nutrition over the weekend when kids don’t receive free breakfast and lunch from the school.

This year, we are inviting you to be part of the Snack Pack Program by sponsoring a child for a year. It costs us $225 a child to provide Snack Packs for 36 weeks of the year. Would you be willing to come alongside a child in our community by providing a year of nutrition?